Other Writing, Articles, Scribblings, and Musings on Random Subjects That Caught My Attention
Any articles in this section are open to interpretation, works in progress and subject to change. If my opinions change, then the articles will in time, when I get around to it, change to reflect that. Sometimes I write things because I'm trying to get to grips with a subject and I find writing it down helps. It doesn't mean I'm right, it just means that this is where I've got to so far.
The subjects are varied, and cover anything that interested me enough to actually write about it. Some are topical. Some more philosophical. Some vaguely technical. I try to be honest and look at all subjects from different angles, but undoubtedly we all have our personal bias. Such is the way of the world. Ultimately it all has to be taken with a pinch of salt because Certainty is the Death of Reason, and we can but try to maintain a reasonably open mind.
- Capitalism is Not the Same as Free Markets, or Private Ownership
- On Political Correctness, Wokery, and Cancel Culture.
- How to Activate Adobe CS3 (Maybe CS4) Photoshop etc on Windows 10 (maybe Windows 11) if you had a legit copy on an old computer.
- Just How Fracking Immoral can the Tories Get
- The Intentions of the USA in Ukraine
- Where is the Political Centre Ground? (Or how far left is "far left"?)
- How the "Working Class Left" were pulled right.
- Emma Raducanu - Girl Got Class in a Nation Divided By It.
- It's Not Just About Fiscal Policy.
- Political Tribalism, and Why You're Wrong (or why they think you are).
- The EU is NOT a Single Country, so Please Stop Suggesting it Acts Like One.
- What is a Higgs Boson, in Simple Terms?
- How Slavery Works in the Western World - It's All Relative
- The Really Fundemental Difference Between Socialism and Capitalism
- Marxism for Du.... A Really Brief and Easy Introduction to Marxism.
- Ten Tory Lies about The Labour Party
- Why Labour Were Divided, and Why the Lib Dems Soon Will Be (If they have any Integrity) - Or, why we call the Lib Dems "Tories".
- Free Money! (for governments)
- A very very short story : The Intolerance.
- How Money Is Created in the Modern Economy, and why this Proves Austerity was a Scam.
- Future Alternative to the House of Lords (Which is Not an Elected Second Chamber)
- BoatyMcBrexitFarce, or... Do We Really Take Democracy Seriously in Britain?
- Why The Independent Group Splintered from The Labour Party
- Was Blair Good For Labour?
- Will The Labour Party Split?
- Why MMT is wrong about Money Creation and Destruction
- Global Capitalism is the Cause of Nazis
- The Constitutional Questions Around Brexit
- The Complexities of the Trident Discussion and Nuclear Disarmament.
- Why the £167 Billion Figure Provided by Chrispin Blunt and Reuters for the cost of Trident is Wrong
- Without Honesty Democracy is Nothing
- The Scientific Approach to Discussion
- It's All About Emotions?
- The Nature of Argument
- Balanced In Favour of Positivity?